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Expression of Tantra in Buddhism and Buddhist Art (In 2 Volumes)

G.K. Lama (Author)

In this book discussion was made about the origin and development of Buddhist Tantra, its divisions, literature, deities, and geographical expansion of the cult, Siddha tradition and the life-sketch of eighty-four Siddhas. The book is well supported by illustrations, maps and reliable information.


The aim and objects of the Buddhist tantra are widely different from those of the Hindu tantra. It is a difficult task to determine when and under what circumstances the word tantra was used, the mystical practices become popular with one section of society, the other section incorporates in its religion in a modified form to suit its own requirements and tenets. So that Tantrism existed from very early times and was transmitted in the most secret manner possible from time to time. So, it can be seen that Tantrism was handed down from the most secret manner possible before its followers could swell in number so as to openly declare themselves and preach their doctrine. Siddhi, Siddha and Panchmakara, these words creat a mysterious world. Since beginning the path of Tantrism, itsteachings and practices was kept secret. The life and activities of Tantric gurus was also mysterious to the common people, so that people were either afraid or hated this path and its followers. The secretness of this path greatly harmed this cult. According to Waddell Buddhist Tantrikism is nothing but Shaiva idolatory, Shakti worship and demonology. On the other hand, B.Bhattacharya, in his Introduction to Buddhist Esoterism, has concluded that the Buddhists were the first to introduce the Tantras into their religion, and that the Hindus borrowed them from the Buddhists in later times. According to Anagarika Govinda also, the influence of the Tantrika Buddhism upon Hinduism was so profound that up to the present day the majority of Western scholars have laboured under the impression that the Tantrikism is a Hinduistic creation which was taken over later by more or less decadent Buddhist schools. According to some scholars the main difference between Brahmanical and Buddhist Tantrikism is that the latter is not Shaktism. The concept of divine power of the creative female aspect of Shiva does not play any role in Buddhism. To the Buddhists Shakti is maya, the very power that creats illusion from which only prajna can liberate us.

A number of scholars had criticized this path due to its practices but so many scholars are in favour of this cult and its teachings. Now it is the time to let know the people its reality, so that I have tried my best to reveal all the mysteries of this tradition. In this book discussion was made about the origin and development of Buddhist Tantra, its divisions, literature, deities, and geographical expression of Tantra in Buddhism and Buddhist An expansion of the cult, Siddha tradition and the life-sketch of eightyfour Siddhas. The book is well supported by illustrations, maps and reliable information. Hope the book will be useful for those people who are interested in Buddhist Tantra and its Siddha tradition. It will be also helpful to clear the concept about this faith.

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About the author

G.K. Lama

Dr. G. K. Lama, Associate Professor, Dept. of AIHC & Archaeology, Centre of Advanced Study, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi having specialization in the field of Buddhist Archaeology has seven books in his credit namely Tibet Men Bauddha Dharma K Itihas, Samyak Darshan (Both in Hindi), Cultural Heritage of South-east Asia, Indus to Ganges, Pakkakot: Some New Archaeological Dimensions of Mid-Ganga Plain, Buddhist Cave Temples of Ancient India and A Buddhist Universe. He has presented 67 research papers in various National and International seminars and 82 research papers have been published in various reputed journals He has completed a Major Research Project granted by the University Grants Commission. He has invited twicw to Sri Lanka and once to Thailand to deliver special lectures. He is Life-member of various academic societies.

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Bibliographic information

Title Expression of Tantra in Buddhism and Buddhist Art (In 2 Volumes)
Author G.K. Lama
Format Hardcover
Date published: 09.02.2025
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9789391985523
length xvi,+400p., Illustrations, 28cm.