Reflections on Odishan History Culture and Archaeology (A Felicitation Volume in Honour of Dr Prafulla Kumar Mohanty)
Reflections on Odishan History, Culture and Archaeology, a felicitation volume dedicated in the honour of Dr. Prafulla Kumar Mohanty, is a significant attempt to the study Odisha's hidden historical past. The work explores multiple dimensions in the field of history including prehistoric archaeology, maritime history, iconographic analysis, monumental studies, cultural antiquities, and socio-economic angles. It features research articles that span Odisha's Ancient, Medieval, and Modern periods, with the articles on prehistory grounded in scientific exploration and observation. Many of the contributions are based on original sources, with a particular focus on the region's historical sites. The volume is further enriched with a diverse array of data, plates, and records, making it an invaluable resource that sheds light on historical research in Odisha.
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Bibliographic information
Rudra Prasad Behera
Soumya Ranjan Sahoo