Text Book of Advanced Clinical Animal Nutrition
1. Introduction
2. Clinical Animal Nutrition
3. Preventive animal nutrition
4. Therapeutic Animal Nutrition
5. Convalescent Animal Nutrition
6. Disease-Induced Alterations in Nutrient Metabolism: Role of Nutrients in Disease Prevention and Management
7. Potential of Nutrition for Prophylaxis and Therapeutic Purposes
8. Role of Cytokines in Nutrient Homeorrhesis
9. Role of Nutrients in Development of Various Disease Processes
10. Potential of Nutrients and Nutraceuticals in Amelioration of Diseases
11. Nutrient-Parasite Interaction and Animal Health Relationship
12. Nutritional Amelioration of Stress in Livestock and Poultry 12.1 Nutritional amelioration of biotic stress 12.2 Nutritional amelioration of abiotic stress 12.3 Nutritional amelioration of cold stress 12.4 Nutritional amelioration of heat stress 12.5 Nutritional amelioration of transportation stress
13. Modern Concepts in Metabolic Alterations Leading to Metabolic Disorders 13.1 Hypocalcaemia 13.2 Ketosis 13.3 Downer cow syndrome 13.4 Retained placenta 13.6 Laminitis
13.7 Abomasal displacement 13.8 Mastitis 13.9 Metritis/ endometritis
14. Metabolic Effects of Infection: Metabolism of Nutrients During Infections and Inflammatory Diseases
14.1 Metabolism of carbohydrates during infections and inflammatory diseases 14.2 Metabolism of fats during infections and inflammatory diseases 14.3 Metabolism of proteins during infections and inflammatory diseases 14.4 Metabolism of minerals during infections and inflammatory diseases 14.5 Metabolism of vitamins during infections and inflammatory diseases
15. Modern Concepts of Metabolic Acidosis in Ruminants
16. Common Reproductive Disorders and Health Issues in Dairy Animals
17. Formulation of Diet for Sick and Diseased Animals
18. Feeding Management of Pre and Post Operated Animals
19. Prevention of Metabolic Disorders: Recommended Dietary Regimen and Formulated Diets
20. Metabolic Alterations Leading to Production Diseases in Poultry
21. Metabolic Profile Tests for Domestic Animals and Reference Ranges of Different Metabolites
22. Determination of Key Metabolic Markers in Different Animal Species
23. Stress and Post-Surgical Nutrition in Animals
24. Impact of Nutrition on Parasitic Infestation in Animals and Poultry
25. Impact of Coccidiostats and Dietary Antigens in Early Weaned Livestock
26. Impact of Nutrition on Bacterial, Viral and Fungal Infections in Animals and Poultry
27. Impact of Nutrition on Fertility, Reproduction, and Lactation in Animals
28. Nutrition in Relation to Emerging Diseases in Animals
29. Potential Plant Toxicity in Grazing Animals
30. Toxicity in Grazing Animals: Signs of Poisoning and Nitrate Poisoning
31. Toxic Effects of Goitrogens and Glucosinolates in Animals and their Nutritional Management for Prevention and Control
32. Toxic Minerals and Counter Action: Selenium and Fluorine
33. Pesticide Residues in Feeds and Fodders and their Impact on Animal Health and Production
34. Nutritional Factors Responsible for Digestive and Metabolic Disorders in Animals
35. Diet for Animals with Gastrointestinal Disease
36. Nutrient-Immunity Interaction in Livestock and Poultry
37. Role of Nutrients in Immune Response
38. Assessment of Immunity in Livestock and Poultry
39. Antioxidants: Assessment in Animals and Poultry
39.1 Assessment of superoxide dismutase status
39.2 Assessment of catalase status
39.3 Assessment of glutathione peroxidase status
39.4 Assessment of lipid peroxidase status in animals and poultry
39.5 Assessment of reduced glutathione status
39.6 Assessment of glutathione S-transferase status
39.7 Assessment of total sulphahydryl, protein-bound sulphahydryl, and non-protein-bound sulphahydryl groups status
40. Assessment of Antioxidants Status Using Condensed Tannins
41. Plant Polyphenols, Flavonoids and Condensed Tannins Enhance Glutathione Status, Synthesis and Regeneration in Animals and Poultry
42. Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay for Quantifying Superoxide Dismutase in Biological Samples
43. Quantification of SOD Gene (mRNA) Expression in Biological Samples Using qPCR Technique
44. Quantification of GSH and GSSG in Biological Samples Using HPLC
45. Quantification of GSH and GSSG in Biological Samples Using Enzymatic Cycling Method
46. Fluorometric Assay for Measuring GSH Levels in Biological Samples
47. Assessment of SOD Activity Using Western Blotting in Animal and Poultry
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