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Shall We Dance: Sensing Visual Karanas

Ram Krishnamani (Author)

Contents: 1. Bharatanatyam: An Introduction, 2. Bharatanatyam: A Classical Art Forms, 3. Bharatanatyam and other classical art forms, 4. Shiva to Nataraja-Cosmic Dancer, 5. Nataraja and Astronomy, 6. Cosmic Dance at CERN-Higgs Boson, 7. Theory behind Performing Arts, 8. Theoretical Framework of Bharatanatyam, 9. Sanctity of Garba Griha at Thanjavur Temple, 10. Nritta, Nritya and Natya, 11. Namaskar, 12. Prelude to Karanas, 13. Karanas, Symbols and Iconographs, 14. Adavus, 15. Hasta Mudras, 16. Abhinaya-Navarasa, 17. Dwani Swara Taalam Nattuwangam, 18. Angahara, 19. Progression to Rasa Sutra, 20. Guru Shishya Parampara, 21. Ahaaryam: costume, design, makeup, 22. Rangapravesham-setting the stage, 23. Bharatanatyam at Khajuraho dance festival, 24. Bharatanatyam for young minds, 25. Bharatanatyam-Kalbha, 26. Bharatanatyam-Gratitude to the Dancers.

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Bibliographic information

Title Shall We Dance: Sensing Visual Karanas
Format Hardcover
Date published: 16.02.2025
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Ruhi Shallwedance
Language: English
isbn 9798990165809
length 596p., 4 Unnumbered Pages of Plates: Illustrations (Colour), Maps (Colour); 31cm.