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Tantric Buddhist Sculptures in Maharashtra's Cave Shrines: An Iconographic and Socio-Cultural Study

Ashish S. Shende (Author)

The book delves into the Tantrayana sculptures of the rock-cut caves in Western Maharashtra, offering an unparalleled glimpse into India's religious, social, and political life from the 6th Century BC to the 12th century CE. These caves, carved into a quarter-mile stretch of rock face, stand as silent witnesses to the region's historical and cultural landscape.

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Bibliographic information

Title Tantric Buddhist Sculptures in Maharashtra's Cave Shrines: An Iconographic and Socio-Cultural Study
Format Hardcover
Date published: 16.02.2025
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9789348309563
length xxii+278p., 131 Col. & B/W Pls., 43 B/W Illus., Gloss., Bib., 29cm.