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Understanding History & Culture through Archaeological Evidences

Dr. Sushila Bharti (Author) Dr. Rajiv Kumar Jaiswal (Author) Dr. Samvedana Singh (Author) Ors. (Author)

This book was put together with specific goals of the mind ofthe researchers. To begin with, to aid researchers from all disciplines in better comprehending the title , “Analytical and Systematic Approach to Research Methodology”. For aspiring researchers in India and the subcontinent, this education is crucial. Early-career scholars can also benefit from this book. It comprises 15 chapters with a Concept of research, research Design, Literature Review, Creating Citations & Referencing Data Collection Process and so on. It provides comprehensive information about the process and pathways, for the preparation of research and to get success in the field of research work. 

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Bibliographic information

Title Understanding History & Culture through Archaeological Evidences
Format Hardcover
Date published: 26.12.2024
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9789348059697
length xvi+265p., Illustrations (Black and White), Maps (Black and White); 24cm.