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Treasures of Tapti Valley and Burhanpur from Early Period to Mughal Period

O P Misra (Author)

This book delves into the history of the Tapti River Valley and specifically, Burhanpur, tracing back to the proto-history period up to the medieval times. The historical narrative has been discovered through various archaeological finds, numismatics, epigraphical records and existing monuments.


Contents: Introduction, Acknowledgements, List of Illustrations, 1. Tapti River and its Tributaries, 2. Archaeological finds in the Tapti River Vallley, 3. Early History of the Tapti River Valley, 4. Historical Background of Burhanpur, 5. Numismatics-Coins from Burhanpur, 6. Epigraphical Records from Burhanpur, 7. The Burhanpur Sufi Tradition, 8. Hindu Temples and other Religious Places in Burhanpur, 9. Burhanpur-The Walled City, Gates, Ghats and Sarais, 10. Traditional Water Management-Khundi Bhandara, 11. Cultural Heritage of Burhanpur, 12. Monuments from the Farooqi and Mughal Times, 13. Asirgarh Fort, 14. Study of Burhanpur: The Surrounding Landscape, Conclusion, Bibliography.

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Bibliographic information

Title Treasures of Tapti Valley and Burhanpur from Early Period to Mughal Period
Author O P Misra
Format Softcover
Date published: 18.12.2024
Language: English
isbn 9788119380879
length xxxviii+670p., 141 B/W Illus., Bib., 30x21cm.