Living with the Past: The Law Family of Calcutta
Living with the Past provides an insider’s view into the history of the Laws (an Anglicized derivative of the Bengali surname ‘Laha’), a Subarnabanik mercantile family that rose to prominence in the commercial world of mid-nineteenth to early twentieth century Calcutta. This study delves into the mercantile origins of the family, examines the functioning of the family firm, Messrs Prawn Kissen Law & Co. (established in 1839), and explores the religious life of the Laws. Written by a member of the family, this book juxtaposes archival sources with oral narratives and memories to share unique insights into the family as well as the intricate workings of their various religious beliefs and rituals, especially their opulent Durga Puja celebrations, which continue to this day. Primarily focusing on four generations, starting with Prawn Kissen Law (1790–1853), the book traces the linkages of caste, commerce, and kinship that contributed to building the reputation of this bonedi bari
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