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Raj Yog: Freedom Awaits

Shivani Singh (Author)

Raj Yog: Freedom Awaits is a compelling memoir by Shivani Singh. It chronicles her transformative journey from her early years as a dreamer with unfulfilled aspirations to a self-realized individual empowered by the practice of yoga. Singh reflects on her evolution and continued growth. For years, she believed fate, societal pressures, and emotional turmoil bound her life. But everything shifted when a prediction in her horoscope, highlighting the word ‘Raj Yog’, sparked a deeper understanding. Her story unfolds as one of dynamic change. Singh reveals the power of thought and visualization through candid narratives and reflective insights. Through the practice of yoga, particularly Surya Namaskars, she rekindles her childhood dreams and discovers a newfound sense of purpose and fulfilment.

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About the author

Shivani Singh

Ms. Shivani Singh worked as a Project Fellow in the Institute of Integrated Himalayan Studies (UGC centre of Excellence), Himachal Pradesh University. Her area of interest is Industrial Management.

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Bibliographic information

Title Raj Yog: Freedom Awaits
Author Shivani Singh
Format Hardcover
Date published: 19.02.2025
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9789363953505
length 176p.,