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Post-harvest Management of Fruits and Plantation Crops: (Volume 1, Basic Concepts)

W S Dhillon (Editor)

Post-harvest losses in horticultural crops is the burning issue, not only in India but at global level. Significant amount of produce is spoiled or wasted because of many factors starting from harvesting to handling, packaging, transportations, loading and unloading, storage, marketing and even during consumption. It is a big loss to the economy of the country when food is wasted after its production. In this book (Volume 1), an effort has been made to understand the reasons of losses and their management. The book contains chapters on basic knowledge to better understand the inherent factors affecting the shelf-life and quality of fruits.

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Bibliographic information

Title Post-harvest Management of Fruits and Plantation Crops: (Volume 1, Basic Concepts)
Author W S Dhillon
Format Hardcover
Date published: 24.02.2025
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9789358876826
length 354p.,