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Soil Health & Irrigation Water Management

P S Brahmanand (Author) P Gurumurthy (Author)

This book ‘Soil Health and Irrigation Water Management’ is compiled aiming the needs of Soil science and Agronomy knowledge in the courses of BSc. (Ag.), BSc. (Hort), BSc. (Ag. Eng), BSc. (Commercial Agriculture) and BSc. (Environment Science) courses. The 6th Deans committee (ICAR) recommendations were adhered in preparing the text. It is aimed at the majority of students, who need to quickly acquire a concise overview of soil and water management. Many current Soil science and Agronomy textbooks may cater for a traditional student market. Students pursuing this type of courses are increasingly reluctant to refer traditional textbooks that are too detailed and often assume a complex information. This text book will be particularly useful for students who do not possess a traditional scientific background in Soil science and Agronomy. For those opting to specialize in Soil science and Agronomy at post graduate level can use it as ready reference. This text book aimed to provide chapter wise information on different concepts of soil science viz., Soil resources, Soil Physical properties, Soil Chemical properties, Soil Biological properties, Soil Organic matter, Soil fertility management, problematic soils management, Soil Degradation, Problematic soils and their management, Soils of India, Irrigation water quality, pollution management, Water resources, Soil-water relations, plant-water relations, measurement of soil water, scheduling of irrigations, management of irrigation water to major crops and agricultural drainage so on. Many chapters were discussed with relevant and abridged tables, figures and equations for easy comprehension of the concept. It is also focused to provide better understanding among the readers on the relationship between soil–water–plant relationships for efficient soil and water management, sustainable cropping and safe environment. This information will be much useful for the learners for overall comprehension of the subject thus may helps in successful attempts of competitive examination, such as JRF, SFR, ASRB, BSRB, FCI and PG entrance examinations of State Agricultural Universities, State Horticultural Universities in the disciplines of Soil Science and Agronomy, besides it is also useful for the ambitious candidates of completive examinations like IFS selection examination conducted by UPSC. 

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Bibliographic information

Title Soil Health & Irrigation Water Management
Format Hardcover
Date published: 24.02.2025
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9788119105762