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Palaeoart of India: Nature, Spirit, and Significance

Giriraj Kumar (Author)



Foreword, Preface, Acknowledgements, 1. Introduction, 2. Why Should we visit and Study Palaeoart Sites?, 3. A Brief History of Palaeoart Research in India, 4. Chronology and Dating of Indian Palaeoart, 5. Regional characteristics of Indian Palaeoart, 6. Scientific investigations, 7. Origin of Art: Early Indian Palaeoart and development of Motifs, 8. Appreciation of the Iconic Palaeoart, 9. Continuity of the Rock Art Tradition, 10. Conclusion, Appendix 1: IFRAO Standard Colour Scale and IFRAO Ethics, Bibliography, Index, Plates.

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About the author

Giriraj Kumar

Professor Giriraj Kumar (b. 1953) is a leading Rock Art scientist, having a long experience of research in various fields of the rock art, prehistory and Indian culture since 1997. For him rock art is a medium to understand the truth of life. Prof. Kumar was honoured as the President of IFRAO from 2004 to 2006 and invited to share his research experiences by IFRAO, UNESCO and other international organisations. He has organised many national and international conferences on rock art and chaired several symposia in many countries. He is one of the members of the editorial board of the international refereed journal and founding editor of Purakala, the journal of Rock Art Society of India since 1990.

He has been the Indian Director of the high profile EIP Project (since 2000), a joint venture by Indo-Australian scientists to establish the antiquity of early Indian petroglyphs to Lower Palaeolithic. He along with Ram Krishna has carried out the extensive replication work, a form of scientific study, currently gaining prominence in several other countries as well. His work is the most advanced in the world, the only instance of international Indian leadership in the field of Rock Art Science. He has discovered many rock art sites, Stone Age, Chalcolithic and ostrich eggshell sites in Central India. He has 80 research papers published in different national and international journals to his credit.

Prof. Kumar, founding Secretary General of Rock Art Society of India (RASI), is presently (since 1985) serving as a Professor in the Faculty of Arts, Dayalbagh Educational Institute in Agra.

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Bibliographic information

Title Palaeoart of India: Nature, Spirit, and Significance
Author Giriraj Kumar
Format Hardcover
Date published: 04.03.2025
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9789348309495
length :xxi+263p., Illustrations (Black and White, and Colour), Maps (Colour); 29cm.