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Arts and Crafts in Northern India (From the Earliest Times to C.200 B.C.)

Neelima Dahiya (Author)

The book discusses in depth the development of arts and crafts in Northern India from earliest times to C. 200 B.C. It deals with the development of various manufacturing activities and associated technology, aesthetics and craftsmanship during the period under review.


The author establishes that arts and crafts during the period under consideration were characterized by a great expansion of the activities in different fields such as metallurgy, pottery, weaponry, woodwork, bead-making, leather, textiles and stoneware. Their further development in successive periods reveals constant human endeavor to improve and produce more with newer techniques, tools and materials in keeping with the contemporary challenges and change.


While giving the narrative of the technological changes in arts and crafts, the study maintains that this development has been a continuous phenomenon. The work is mainly based on data collected from the materials brought to light by archaeological excavations and explorations. The literary sources of the period have also been used besides extensively studying the present day techniques of production. The work will be of immense value for scholars and researchers.

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Bibliographic information

Title Arts and Crafts in Northern India (From the Earliest Times to C.200 B.C.)
Format Hardcover
Date published: 05.03.2025
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9789348610478
length 302p., (B/W Illustrations)