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Brahmand World Defence Update 2025: Rising Defence Economics & Shift in Global Power Dynamics

Dr. Samir V. Kamat (Foroward) Miranda Mantriakta Newmai (Editor) Ritu Mousumi Tripathy (Author)

Brahmand World Defence Update 2025 aims at providing a comprehensive assessment of present-day global military order. The yearbook contains latest military data and information on 101 countries, including 33 strategically important countries selected from each continent with a thrust on their geopolitical importance, internal and external conflict areas, threat perception, strategic relations, multilateral alliances, defence capabilities and latest procurement plans along with defence spending trends. The 14th edition of the yearbook also features an article titled “Rising Defence Economies & Shift in Global Power Dynamics”. The yearbook`s all-inclusive coverage includes: Military data on 101 countries arranged alphabetically Strategic Information on 33 countries Equipment Inventory in tabular form for each country Arms acquisition plans Political & Military leadership Key economic data Defence Industry & R&D Armaments Import/ Export Graphs on Defence budget trends for 33 strategic countries.

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Bibliographic information

Title Brahmand World Defence Update 2025: Rising Defence Economics & Shift in Global Power Dynamics
Format Hardcover
Date published: 06.03.2025
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Pentagon Press
Language: English
isbn 9788198445803
length xvi+370p., Illustrations (Colour), Maps (Colour); 30cm.