Indian Himalayan Region: Towards a Sustainable Future
The Indian Himalayan Region (IHR) spans over 2,500 km in length and 250 km in width, holding immense spiritual, cultural, and ecological significance, particularly in India. It encompasses 9 states, 2 UTs and 2 hill states (WB, Assam Hills), featuring diverse ecosystems, landscapes, and cultures. The IHR plays a crucial role in providing water, food, energy, and biodiversity to both upland and downstream communities. However, the region is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, with the retreat of glaciers being one of the most visible effects. These changes threaten the region’s water supply and the livelihoods of its inhabitants.
In addition to environmental challenges, the IHR’s geopolitical significance has grown due to its proximity to several neighboring countries. Historically, the Himalayas acted as a bridge for cultural and economic exchanges between South Asia, Central Asia, and beyond. Today, initiatives like India’s Spice Route and Sagar Mala project, as well as China’s Belt and Road, emphasize the importance of restoring these ancient trade and cultural networks. These efforts aim to foster cooperation, cultural understanding, and economic connectivity, which are essential for regional peace and prosperity.
Sustainable development in the IHR is vital to ensure the well-being of its people and the protection of its fragile ecosystems. It requires a blend of traditional wisdom and innovative strategies, especially in areas such as agriculture, resource management, and migration. Addressing the challenges of poverty, hunger, and environmental degradation through sustainable practices is critical for building a peaceful, inclusive society.
The Indian Himalayan Central Universities’ Consortium (IHCUC), a multi-institutional forum, plays a key role in fostering multidisciplinary research and collaboration on issues such as environmental management, livelihood generation, agroecology, and socio-cultural dynamics. Guided by Niti Aayog, this consortium aims to develop solutions and policy recommendations for sustainable development in the IHR.
The book Indian Himalayan Region Towards a Sustainable Future is the outcome of the collaboration between the Consortium institutes. It features seventeen articles that highlight the most pressing concerns of the IHR and their potential solutions. The book explores various aspects of sustainable development in the region, advocating for a unified approach under the principle of “One Himalaya and One Policy.” It emphasizes the need for cooperation among states and the integration of traditional knowledge to ensure the region’s long-term ecological and socio-economic resilience.
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Bibliographic information
Sunil Nautiyal
Rakesh Kumar Maikhuri