The Glorious Quran: English Translation with Annotations Based on Earliest Authoritative Sources
A new English translation of the holy book of Islam that aims to present the Qur’ān the way Islam’s earliest generations understood it. It is the first major Indian contribution to the English translation of the Qur’ān since the popular translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali, which was first published in the early 1930s. This edition offers a complete introduction to the tenets of Islam with its extensive annotations and appendices on related topics including the history and issues of the holy book, life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), Allah’s Beautiful Names, a dictionary of Islamic Terms and a Subject Index of the Quran – all based on the most authoritative Arabic sources. A complete, authoritative manual to understand the Quran and Islam. This work depends only on the most authentic and original Arabic works and oldest books on exegesis and biographies of the Prophet and the most authentic dictionaries of the Quran and Arabic language in order to determine the meanings of difficult words, expressions and terms. The copious new annotations have taken into account the kind of questions an ordinary Muslim or non-Muslim reader may have while reading the Quranic text. The absence of this approach in many translations has led to problems and doubts exploited by enemies of Islam. Dr. Zafarul-Islam Khan he has tried to present a translation that reflects as accurately as possible the way Islam’s earliest generations understood the holy text. He believes this is the most accurate version of the Quran in simple, modern English. About the Translator: Zafarul-Islam Khan (born 12 March 1948) is an Indian scholar. He studied in Indian madrasas, Al Azhar and Cairo universities in Egypt and the UK, where he obtained his PhD from Manchester University in Islāmic Studies in 1987. He worked as a translator-editor with the Libyan Foreign Ministry during 1973-1979. Later, he served as a senior research fellow at The Muslim Institute, London.
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