Celebrating 100 Years of Wisdom: Honoring His Eminence Yongdzin Lopon Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche’s 100th Birthday
Yongdzin Lopon Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche is revered as one of Tibet’s greatest masters, and the most important living figure in the Bon religion. In addition to being a spiritual teacher he has also collaborated extensively with many international scholars, who have approached him for his unsurpassed knowledge of Bon doctrine and history. The thirty-three contributions that make up this volume, offered in celebration of Yongdzin Rinpoche’s centenary, reflect the multiple registers of the authors’ engagement with him: personal reflections, photo-essays, translations of Bonpo works – including some of his own teachings and compositions – and scholarly studies, brought together as a tribute to an extraordinary source of both knowledge and wisdom.
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Bon in Nepal: Traces of the Great Zhang Zhung Ancestors in the Himalayas: The Light of the History of Existence
Tibetans Who Escaped the Historian's Net: Studies in the Social History of Tibetan Societies
Tibetan and Himalayan Healing: An Anthology for Anthony Aris
On A Day of A Month of The Fire Bird Year: Festschrift For Peter Schweiger on The Occasion of His 65th birthday
Bibliographic information
Khenchen Tenpa Yungdrung Rinpoche