Indian Writings in English (Vol. IX)
Indian English literature has established its credentials all over the world. Still some pointed posers concerning the impact of multiculturality and the choice of English as a medium on the warp and woof of Indian English literature have to be confronted and analysed threadbare not merely in theory but also through the elucidation of some key texts from this perspective. The present volume is devoted to this critical endeavour. The volume comprises scholarly studies of the works of Kamala Das, Mulk Raj Anand, Raja Rao, Arun Joshi, Amitav Ghosh, Rohinton Mistry, Shobha De, Anita Desai and Arundhati Roy. The theoretical framework pertains to the multiculturality and the critical implications of the choice of medium in Indian English literature. An indispensable source of fresh and innovative insight into Indian English literature. A useful supplement to the existing studies of Indian literature. A fresh perspective for students, teachers, researchers working in literary theory, fiction studies, stylistics and sociology of literature.
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Manmohan K. Bhatnagar