Training For Rural Women: Fidelity Analysis
In the present era of technological development, there exists a wider knowledge gap specially in relation to rural women which needs to be filled up through systematic efforts. Communication through training has been adjudged as an effective instrument for this purpose. To ensure correct application of appropriate technology the rural women need to be constantly trained to acquire new need-based skills for use in their own situations. The better the communication to rural women, the earlier will be the development. But communication is not always linear; quite often interruption in the communication process does occur due to various factors related with each of its elements, lessening the fidelity of the process. In the present study an attempt has been made to first identify the training needs of rural women of Haryana in home science, animalscience and agriculture and then test the communication fidelity of one of the needed training by majority of the rural women and lastly assess the impact of crucial factors of communication process on communication fidelity of training for farmwomen. The book should be useful for policy makers, planners, extension personnel and all those who are engaged in development work for rural women.
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Achla Malaviya