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Social Problems in India (In 2 Vols.)

B.K. Prasad (Author)
Synopsis The factors that govern whether and with whom people will affiliate, as well as whether and how they will attempt to influence or be influenced by others, have received much attention by social psychologists. Researchers have determined, for example, that if people are not sure how they should feel or behave in response to a new or unpleasant situation, they will seek the company of others who may be able to provide the lacking information. Social psychologists have also found that firstborn and only children are generally more inclined to join groups throughout their lives than are those born later. The principles developed in laboratory and field research in social psychology have been applied to many social situations and problems. Applied researchers and consultants have worked to ameliorate problems found in ethnic relations, international relations, industrial and labour relations, political and economic behaviour, education, advertising, and community mental health. Industries, organizations, schools, and task groups of many kinds regularly use the services. However, the present book covers a wide range of social problems like; poverty, illiteracy, prostitution, child labour, dowry, corruption, and black money etc. Certainly, this will be liked by everyone concerned with the subject.
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Bibliographic information

Title Social Problems in India (In 2 Vols.)
Author B.K. Prasad
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2004
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8126117745
length 654p., Figs.; Tables., 23cm.