Encyclopaedia of Non-Formal Education (In 4 Vols.)
Literally by non-formal we mean not according to, or following established or prescribed forms or conventions. Non-formal education is not acquired regularly attending the formal academic institutions. Causes may be varied. Though in the strict sense, non-formal education leads to no formal degree or diploma. But in the present day context, to upgrade ones skill, qualification etc. non-formal education is much-sough after mode of education. Distance education, adult education, etc. are collectively termed as non-formal education. In the present hi-tech computer age, non-formal education has become easy as well as complex. Here in the present work, consisting of four volumes viz. Nonformal Education; Emerging Issues in Nonformal Education; Nonformal Education in Teleinformatics Era; and Online Nonformal Education. We have brought latest information together, which the academics and educational planners will find interesting and useful.
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