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Critical Responses to Anita Desai (In 2 Volume)

Shubha Tiwari (Editor)
Synopsis Anita Desai and her novels have been an enigma for decades. Scholars, critics, researchers and students have never stopped marvelling about supremacy of 'Idea' over 'Matter' in the works of this gifted novelist. The philosophical mood, the realization of a grand design, the presence of unsaid, unarticulated realities--all these have forever teased the mind of the discerning reader. In the present volume, Anita Desai has been extensively and intensely probed. As the reader will see, the thrust has been more on psychological and intellectual facets of her fiction, rather than social, cultural or physical areas. This is the trend of criticism these days and it is rightly so. The fine subtleties, the small but significant turn of events, the role of place in the formation of mental scene, the vitality of characters, the force of their personalities, the intricate web of relationships--all these have been examined and expressed in words that are at once easy to understand as well as graceful to aesthetic sense.
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About the author

Shubha Tiwari

Shubha Tiwari, M.A., Ph.D., is a faculty member at the Department of English, A.P.S. University, Rewa, Madhya Pradesh. She edits an annual literary magazine Zenith. She has to her credit about twenty-five published research papers. Currently, Dr. Tiwari is working on the learning of English in teh Vindhya region under a major UGC Research Project. Her areas off interest are interdisciplinary approach to the study of Literature, inspirational literature, recent fiction and women’s studies.

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Bibliographic information

Title Critical Responses to Anita Desai (In 2 Volume)
Author Shubha Tiwari
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2004
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9788126903436
length xviii+446p., Bibliography; 23cm.