In Search of Reality: A Layman's Journey Through Indian Philosophy
In search of Reality makes a comparative analysis of the philosophical systems of the Upanisads, Advaita Vedanta and various schools of Buddhism in a comprehensive manner. It expounds the philosophical stand-points of various Buddhist schools and Advaiata Vedanta of Gaudapada and Sankara. One who is seriously interested to know the teachings of Indian Philosophical works throughout the ages, is easily bewildered by the innate complexities and enormous contradictions coupled with the lofty linguistic difficulties he coupled with the lofty linguistic difficulties he comes across in these works. The author has spared no pains to present, in a swift, smooth and exegetic way, so as to fill the minds of readers only with a clear and comprehensive analysis of the essential elements of these teachings. In his search for profound philosophical truths, the author has unveiled many a hidden golden discs.
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