Environmental Geology: Geo-Ecosystem Protection in Mining Areas
Environmental awareness is not a new development in the history of human civilization. The cumulative effect gradually damaged the ecological balance of the habitats. Renewed awareness for environmental protection in the modern society culminated in the International Convention on Environmental Protection and Reclamation held at stockholm on June 5, 1972, under the auspices of the United Nations. The day was also declared as the World Environment Day. This book is a compilation of available information, output of research and field experiences of the authors on the subject, that includes techniques to protect the ecosystem and hence to prevent land degradation. It suggests some land-use management planning formation system and land-use planning and guidelines for mining areas by identifying the land use-land cover pattern determinants. The Government of India also recognized the importance of environmental protection and several statutes were passed by the Parliament. The adverse impacts of mining, visible in the form of land degradation, has been studied from different angles in a scientific perspective and the results arrived at are alarming.
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D.S. Chatterjee