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Common Drug Plants and Ayurvedic Remedies

Anil Kumar Dhiman (Author)
Synopsis Ayurveda, the system of life, is an eternal system that has already integrated eight limbs of healing within itself, from herbs to surgery to psychology. This book, Common Drug Plants and Ayurvedic Remedies aims to provide a bird's eye view on common drug plants met within Indian subcontinent. The book is divided into three parts, the first part is introductory, second part contains information about common plants of the country and the third part deals with the ayurvedic remedies for common ailments. The first part starts with the introduction followed by the history of Indian medicine system ie; ayurveda, energetics and therapeutics of herbs and various types of herbal preperations, etc. are given. In the second part, the plants are arranged with their common names, followed by their Latin names and families. The main identification characters of the plants are given besides the parts used and medicinal uses. The third part of the book gives a list of various recipes for common ailments for the general users. Though utmost care has been taken in providing the remedies for common ailments, yet the readers are advised to consult the doctors in case of serious illness.
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About the author

Anil Kumar Dhiman

Dr. Anil Kumar Dhiman (born in 1965), is M.Sc., Ph. D. (Botany), M.A. (Pol. Science), B.Ed., M.L.I.Sc., PGDCA and the Ayurveda Ratan. His Doctorate work is based on the Medicinal Flora of Haridwar, which contains information on ethnomedicinal and ethnobotanical uses of the plants. Presently, he is working as Information Scientist in the library of Gurukul Kangri University, Haridwar (U.A.). He has taught Botany in Botany Department, Gurukul Kangri University, Haridwar (U.A.) during 1995-96 under distance education programme and also worked as Counsellor of Library Science for Haridwar Chapter of U.P. Rajrishi Open University, Allahabad for two years 2000 and 2001. Presently, he is Honorary Lecturer at Library Science Training, Roorkee and teaching Library Science to the students of Certificate Course of Library Science. He is elected Fellow of Society of Ethnobotanists, Lucknow (India) and Fellow of United Writer Association of India, and life member of several professional societies viz., Academy of Plant Sciences of India (Muzaffarnagar), Indian Botanical Society, Meerut (India), Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centers (Calcutta), Indian Association of Teachers of Library of Information Science, Indian Library Association, Society of Ethnobotanists, Lucknow, Uttaranchal Library Association (Dehradun) and Uttre Pradesh Library Association, (Lucknow). He has nine book to his credit; three in Botany and six in Library Science besides, about more than fifty papers in both fields of his study. He has attended various national seminars and conference and also had been the member of organizing name has been referred in various directories of national and international fames. He is also awarded with the APSI Gold Medal and Young Scientist Award 1999.

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Bibliographic information

Title Common Drug Plants and Ayurvedic Remedies
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2004
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Reference Press
Language: English
isbn 8188583510
length 636p., Figures; Appendices; Bibliography; Index.