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Naga Cults and Traditions in the Western Himalaya

O.C. Handa (Author)

It is for the first time that a detailed and comprehensive study on the snake cults and traditions in the Western Himalaya has been undertaken. In the present study, the genesis of the snake cult among the prehistoric communities in the North Indian mainland has been traced. How the snake cult spread in the Western Himalayan interiors among the native inhabitants has been outlined in a vivid, logical and detailed manner.

The factors responsible for the fusion of the indigenous Rudra-based cults and Naga-based cults have thoroughly been probed, and the factors responsible for the popularity of Naga cult discussed in a detailed manner. The present study is, thus, not only a compilation of the Naga-based cultic traditions, but also a lucid and in-depth analysis, interpretation and explanation of those traditions in the context of the overall socio-cultural format of the region.

This first-hand study of the Naga cults and traditions in Western Himalayan region, would be of great use for the social scientists, researchers and general readers interested in the Himalayan region.

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About the author

O.C. Handa

Dr. O.C. Handa is a well-known connoisseur of are and culture, and an outstanding scholar in history and archaeology, especially of the Himalayan region, having been in the field now for almost a half century. In his exploratory pursuits, he has been undertaking several expeditions, many of them the solo ones, to the far-flung nooks and corners of the Western and Central Himalayan regions. That would underscore his zeal to explore the antique but extant material evidences of history, art and culture of the Himalayan region, and his commitment to acquire the firsthand and authentic knowledge of almost all aspects of the creative enterprise of the people of this region. This quality is well reflected in his writings. He did his post-graduation in History from the University of Mysore, Ph. D. from the Meerut University and D. Litt. From the Agra University. Having come from the civil engineering background, Himachal Pradesh for several years. Dr. Handa has more than fifteen exclusive and four edited books on the art, history, archaeology and culture of the himalayan region to his credit. Besides, he has been writing articles and research papers for various national and international research journals and magazines. He has also been performing for the radio and TV. He has participated in several regional, national and international seminars and workshops and delivered lectures on the subjects of his specialty at various forums in India and abroad. He remained a member of different expert committees of the Lalit Kala Akademi, New Delhi and the ministry of Tourism & Culture, Govt. of India. Dr. Handa remained a fellow of the Himachal Academy of Art, Language and culture, Shimla, India Council of Historical Research, New Delhi and the Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla at different periods. He was a Senior Fellow of the Indian Council of Historical Research, New Delhi from 2001 to 2003.  He is a fellow of US-based Infinity Foundation, working on the Himalayan domestic architecture.

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Bibliographic information

Title Naga Cults and Traditions in the Western Himalaya
Author O.C. Handa
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2004
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8173871612, 9788173871610
length 367p., Maps; Figures; Plates; Appendices; Bibliography; 75 Colour Plates; Index; 23cm.