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Indian Ocean and India's Security

R.N. Misra (Author)
Synopsis The Indian Ocean ad India’s Security are closely linked with each other. The economic prosperity, the territorial integrity and the very existence of India as a free nation depend upon the security and defence of this ocean and its adjacent territory. The Indian Ocean region serves as an important source of strategic raw material for India and is also an ever-growing market for her industrial an engineering goods. Newly acquired maritime zones and continental shelf by India have proved to be potentially rich in mineral wealth, fish and oil. Adequate management and security are required for their exploration and exploitation. India has to combat the problems of smuggling, illegal immigration, poaching and pollution effectively in her territorial waters which are spread over two million square kilometers in area. Increasing alien military presence in the Indian Ocean is a source of danger to India’s peace, stability and security. The interventionist policies of the big powers have militarized the region from within and without. Their manoeuvres to achieve ‘balance of power’ have vitiated the politico-military environment in the region. There is a pressing need to bring peace and stability in the region. India can play a vital role in this regard through the strengthening of the ‘Indian Ocean Community bonds’ and through the reviving of the spirit of ‘peace zone’ in this region. Oceanic space, these days, plays a crucial role in national defence and development. This very oceanic space around India is being occupied by some hostile world powers in collaboration with some regional powers including Pakistan. Pakistan Navy and Air Force which has significantly improved themselves in size and sophistication have been trying to occupy a stronger foothold in the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Oman to gain strategic advantages vis-?-vis India. In view of the aforesaid developments there is a strong case for a well equipped and modernized Indian Navy and Coast Guard to safeguard the maritime interests of India in the vast expanses of this Ocean. This book is an attempt to critically examine and analyse all those factors which adversely affect the security interests of India in the Indian Ocean region. The limitations and shortcomings of India’s efforts in this direction have been highlighted and suggestions have been made as to how these can be removed.
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About the author

R.N. Misra

Professor R.N. Misra taught at the Universities of Saugor, Gwalior and Allahabad (1959-2001) and was also a Fellow of Indian Institute of Advanced Study (1973-75; 2002-05) and Tagore National Fellow (2012-15) affiliated to the Archaeological Survey of India.

The books he authored include Bharhut (in Hindi, 1971), Ancient Artist and Art Activity (1975), Indian Sculptures (in Hindi: 1978, 2002, 2008), Yaksha Cult and Iconography (1981), Sculptures of Dahala and DaksinaKosala (1987), Ancient Indian Society, Economy and Religion (in Hindi, 1991, 1994), Silpa in Indian Tradition (2009) and Outlines of Indian Arts (edited, 2014).

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Bibliographic information

Title Indian Ocean and India's Security
Author R.N. Misra
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.1986
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
length xiv+294p., Mapes; Tables; Notes; Reference; Appendix; Bibliography; Index; 23cm.
Subjects Social Sciences