Indian Communism: Its Role Towards Indian Polity
Indian Communism: Its Role Towards the Indian Polity traces the role of the Indian communist movement towards the Indian polity. It focuses the leading role and the active participation of the Indian Communist Parties in the parliamentary politics, their interest in left united front coalition government of states, their monopoly or rule in some of the states and the growth of naxalist movement in the country. The present socio-economic condition of the Indian masses, their economic, and educational backwardness and stagnation in their thinking in political and economic issues have been basically proved and analysed in this work. The authors have sought to highlight the failures of the powers related with the downfall of government which was at the helm of administration and also the party’s attempts to eliminate poverty from the country. The authors discuss systematically the success and failures of the Communist Parties and the role played by them in different socio-economic spheres. This book has been recommended for the textual pursuits by students of Public Administration, Political Science and labour and social welfare and will also prove useful for Researchers having involvement in different research activities and projects.
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Champa Singh