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Youth and Drugs: A Psychological Perspective

Jitendra Mohan (Author) Meena Sehgal (Author)

India is a country which neighbours both the golden Crescent and Golden Triangle countries, notorious for drug trafficking all over the world. Every one knows that various drug trafficking routes pass through India and availability of drugs in India for consumption is easy. Youths are asset of the nation and very often they become drug addict. They have various reasons for becoming drug addict: frustration with life, boredom, peer pressure, just for fu or even a rebellious gesture towards the norms of civil society, any one is good enough to lead them to the world of drugs. This book based on the Project Report (37-6/87 HR1) sponsored by University grants Commission, New Delhi, covers a psychological study of 500 students of various universities. The results and discussions arising out of this study is startling and guardians of the Indian civic society will find the book very useful in to those personnel who provide medical / psychiatric aid and counsel to the drug addicts.

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About the authors

Jitendra Mohan

Jitendra Mohan is the National Fellow of Indian Council of Social Science Research and an eminent Professor of Psychology, at Panjab University, Chandigarh, India. As a prolific researcher he has published 17 books, 225 research papers; and delivered keynote addresses at International Congress of Psychology. He is a winner of Lifetime Contribution Award of Indian Association of Sports Medicine and First Lifetime Achievement Award of Sports Psychology Association of India. He is focused on human issues like Excellence, Effectiveness, Stress Management and Drug Abuse.

Meena Sehgal

Meena Sehgal is Reader in the Department of Psychology, Panjab University, Chandigarh. Her academic excellence is matched by her research commitment in the fields of Health Psychology and Applied Psychology. She has participated in the international and national conferences and has made significant contributions in the areas of Personality, Mental Health, Parapsychology, dynamics of effectiveness, and socially relevant issues like adolescent health and drug abuse among children.

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Bibliographic information

Title Youth and Drugs: A Psychological Perspective
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2003
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
length viii+202p., References; Appendix; Index; 23cm.