Assam in Indian Independence
Can there be a book on the role of Assam in India’s freedom struggle? The answer must be on emphatic “No what Assam did during India a freedom struggle is an integral part of the nation’s achievement as a whole. Yet, there may be a historical assessment of how a single unit participated in the pan-Indian cooperative venture in a book of India’s freedom struggle there is practically no mention of Assam and how the freedom applied people or this region rose to the occasion to break asunder the shackles of the foreign domination. The present study purports to fill up this facing by throwing lighton this aspect of our national struggle for freedom. This is perhaps the only book that brings Assam in llmellght while delineating India’s freedom struggle , Maniram Dewan was the martyr in the 1857 uprising which is otherwise called India’s First War of independence ,mention has been made of Anandaram parcel of the national movement. In the early twentieth century there was an emergence political ideas and acted as the torch-bearers of a radical patriolism in Assam. Of the early champions of nationality, mention may be made of Nobin Chandra Bardoloi Tarun Ram phookun and Chandra Nath Sharma. Towards the final phases of the struggle the field was held by Gopinath Bardoloi and Bishnuram Medhi, in addition, kanaklata baruah’s martyrdom in the Quit India Movement in 1942 which deserves to be delineated in flaming letters of gold has also been given sufficient coverage
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