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Drug Abuse among Child Workers

Jitendra Mohan (Author) Meena Sehgal (Author)
Synopsis In the world of inequality and inequity the greatest neglect is suffered by the “marginalized children” who are forced to work due to economic reasons and are further pushed into “drug abuse” due to criminalization of an insensitive social system. This book attempts to draw the attention of social scientists, social workers, politicians and administrators to the problem of Drug abuse among Child workers. The problem is complex and compounded due to its nature and determinants. It is not a mere research report, it is a “wake up” call to join in the effort to reconstruct a social order through realignment of all for bringing back smile on the face of innocent children.
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About the authors

Jitendra Mohan

Jitendra Mohan is the National Fellow of Indian Council of Social Science Research and an eminent Professor of Psychology, at Panjab University, Chandigarh, India. As a prolific researcher he has published 17 books, 225 research papers; and delivered keynote addresses at International Congress of Psychology. He is a winner of Lifetime Contribution Award of Indian Association of Sports Medicine and First Lifetime Achievement Award of Sports Psychology Association of India. He is focused on human issues like Excellence, Effectiveness, Stress Management and Drug Abuse.

Meena Sehgal

Meena Sehgal is Reader in the Department of Psychology, Panjab University, Chandigarh. Her academic excellence is matched by her research commitment in the fields of Health Psychology and Applied Psychology. She has participated in the international and national conferences and has made significant contributions in the areas of Personality, Mental Health, Parapsychology, dynamics of effectiveness, and socially relevant issues like adolescent health and drug abuse among children.

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Bibliographic information

Title Drug Abuse among Child Workers
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2004
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 818868337X
length viii+213p., Appendices; Index; 23cm.