Biotechnology in Environmental Management
The book Biotechnology in Environmental Management is comprised of 17 selected articles giving in-depth knowledge of various aspects of the subject. Many articles are of review nature covering the application of biotechnological approaches in environmental management such as composting, bioremediation, single cell protein and biogas production from diverse industrial wastes. A separate review article on lignin biodegradation for clean technology in paper industry has also been included in the book. The book also incorporates topics on biotechnological options for environmental management in leather industry, and microbial bioconversion of whey in dairy industry to produce a variety of useful products. A few chapters specifically deal with biopesticides has also given in the book. Topics on vermicomposting, porbiotics in aquaculture, and use of biomass in removal of certain heavy metals from the aqueous media have also been given a place in the book. The book shall be of immense use to researches, teachers, scientists and consultants working in the field of biotechnology in environment and use of biopesticides.
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Environmental Pollution and Management of Wastewaters by Microbial Techniques
Industry Environment and Pollution
Directory of Environmentally concerned Industries, Corporate Pollution Control Managers and New Technologies
Development of Science and Technology in Contemporary India
Biotechnological Applications in Environment and Agriculture
Environmental Pollution & Management of Wastewaters by Microbial Techniques
Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension Education - At a Glance
Bibliographic information
G.R. Pathade