Critical Responses to Canadian Literature
Critical Responses to Canadian Literature is a sincere attempt to present Indian responses to Canadian Poetry, Fiction, Autobiography and Drama. The 21 contributors are working in various Indian Universities and they have made this book valuable by they have made this book valuable by way of their fruitful research and findings. Canadian Poets like, A.M. Klein, Gwendolyn Mac Ewen, A.J.M. Smith, Irving Layton, (South Asian Parameswaran, Himani Bannerji, Laxmi Gill, and Surjeet Kalsey have Canadianists. Canadian Novelists like Margaret Atwood, Suniti Namjoshi, Susanna Moodie havae been selected for research by 6 Canadianists. A comparative study (of Atwood and Anita Desai, Atwood and Tamil writer ambani) has also been done by three Canadianists. Canadian Autobiographer Stan Dragland has been preferred for analysis by a Canadianist. Canadian critic Northrop Frye’s Critical approach has been applied to Indian and American literature by another Canadianist. Canadian Dramatists like James Reaney, Ken Mitchekll, Uma Parameswaran have been studied by 4 Canadianists. The twenty-one critical essays throw more light on the different aspects of Canadian living and literature in a clear and appreciable style which is nothing but a literary feast to the students, researchers and teachers of Canadian Literature.
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