Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry (In 2 Volumes)
We feel great pleasure in presenting a book entitled 'Text Book of Inorganic Chemistry' for B.Sc., B.Sc. (Hons.) and M.Sc. classes of all Indian Universities. The syllabi of most of the universities have been rapidly revised in recent years. Recent developments have been included with classical concepts in inorganic Chemistry making the subject more difficult and extensive. So as to make the subject simple, lucid and exciting, each chapter in this text has been described in graceful style in view of recent developments. Subject matter has been arranged systematically and written in a simple language. This book would prove to be indispensable for students who are now following 10+2+3+2 education system. The Book covers most of the topics of Inorganic Chemistry with recent advancements. The book contains twenty Seven chapters. The order followed in this book is unconventional but it is teachable and logical. We believe the book should prove useful to students, teachers and chemists to understand this vast and difficult subject.
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A. Singh