Teaching of Economics: New Trends and Innovations
The analytical apparatus of economics must and can be extended to include a morphological study of economic phenomena. This morphological study of economic history reveals a limited number of pure forms out of which all actual economic systems past and present are made up. To work out these pure forms, and at the same time provide a basis for theoretical analysis which will explain the course of the economic process, are our two tasks. In spite of all the changes which economic development brings, a certain constancy of form is observable. We should no longer concentrate in our scientific theories on trying to keep up with the rapid day-to-day development of the economy. The present text gives the significance of economics in curriculum. Various methods and techniques of economics teaching is appended in this book to make it more comprehensive and clear in all forms. For the aspiring economists, the potential and current graduate students, the book offers a view of what the future holds. For economists, the book provides an in-depth look at a set of institutions that they know well and allows them to test their own presuppositions against what is reported here. For the lay public, the book allows a peek into the world of academic economists.
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