Indian Psychology
This book predominantly deals with the psychological principles of Indian philosophers with a historical, analytical and critical touch. Its author has crystallized well the scholastic studies and research works of ancient and Modern thinkers of Indian psychology. It will be of primary utility to students and research scholars in the field of psychology with reference to philosophy and it will interest the common reader too as its style is simple and lucid. As it has a universal appeal as an epoch making work which will pave way for a better understanding by western thinkers of our psychology and philosophy and throw brighter light on the subject. Moreover this book deals about Yogic psychology which is in vogue and attracting attention of readers both in East and West. This is a book which lays more stress on Indian psychology and its supremacy over Western psychology which is more materialistic. The author here clearly substantiates how an analytical Indian mind works as it is composed of oriental outlook on psychology and philosophy. It is vividly described that Indian psychology is nothing but an offshoot of Vedanta, and it in fine concludes the psychological views of different schools of Indian philosophy namely the Samkhya, the Nyaya, the Vaisesika, the Mimamsa, the Advaita Vedanta and the Vishishtadvaita, the Yoga the Buddhist and Jain Schools.
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