Selected Thoughts of Indira Gandhi
Book Name: This is a monumental work , a virtual encyclopaedia of invatuable, inspiring and elevating thoughts, ideas and observations of late Prime Minister, Smt. Indira Gandhi, one of the most powerful and yet most popular leaders of the twentieth century. This remarkable collection embodies inimitable quotes from plethora of her speeches, writings, press interviews, broadcasts and also books. After a perusal of its contents it is obvious that there is hardly any subject of importance under the sun of which she has not expressed herself in a most emphatic, clear and forceful manner. The learned author has rendered a yeoman’s service to the present ad well as future generations of readers by selecting compiling and collating the inspiring quotations of the great leader in a single volume, the product of his indefatigable labour the single-minded devotion. No other reading can be more fruitful, enjoyable and stimulating which is capable of both informing and instructing the readers. It will prove an invaluable reference tool for the general reader as well as the professional, for the student as well as the research scholar, for the information scientist as well as the fraternity of journalists. No library whether academic, public or private or of any school or college-in India & abroad- can afford to miss such an indispensable acquisition.
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