Special Education
The first sentence in this book begins 'What is special education?'. By the time the reader reaches the last sentence, he will have all the answers to this question because it has been written specially for those teachers and education administrators who have to deal with children below the normal par and for those researchers studying the intricacies of the mental process involved in how a child absorbs knowledge and how it uses it for its own mental progress. Special education takes on added importance in view of the fact that inclusion of children with disabilities into regular classes leads to an absence of social acceptance by their peer group. Most children with disabilities need to be taught how to relate to others, quite as much as students without disabilities need to be taught tolerance and understanding of those who are different from themselves. Special education, and its need for 'special children' or what, in modern parlance, are called 'challenged' children (the extent, type and extent of their disability is material) has been explained in all its variations and in all its forms. Extensively researched chapters elucidate for the teacher methods and ways to deal with them and how to educate them in a proper manner. Not only are the problems in dealing with such children identified, it is also explained how to cope with them and also ensure that a challenged child gets the right kind of education to enable him or her to take his rightful place in society.
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