Environment, Security and Tourism Development in South Asia (In 3 Volumes)
The present study focuses on the South Asia – an emerging region in the world. Editor has encompassed three gigantic facets of environment, security and tourism in the region. Volume 1. The editor has overlaid devastating dangers eclipsing the health of mankind by man-made environmental problems arising out of global warming, generation and nakedness of wastes with depletion of water and oxygen sources. Volume 2. South Asia is highly insecure with menacing danger of terrorism, Islamic fundamentalism and ethnic conflicts. Instead of a deterrent, nuclearisation of India and Pakistan has fuelled instability. Rising strife and proxy war have shaken political and economic security. Volume 3. Reviewing tourism industry in the region, the editor describes its colossal cultural, climatic, ethnic, architectural and beaches, glaciers, meadows, sky-high lake seas, icy falls, flora and fauna impel millions of global tourists to squint the majestic sites exposed by satellites. Governments of member countries are busy in developing tourism. The set is a bible and reference tool for policy makers, researchers, students, scholars, tourism developers and environmentalists of South Asia and other part of the globe.
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