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Military System of East India Company

Raj Kumar (Editor)
Synopsis The British East India Company came as traders. As soon as they started their factories, they began to keep armed personals for their protection. As their trade increased their defence requirements also multiplied. This ultimately required the military system. Object of this compilation is to see how the conquest of India by the company was organized and managed during almost two hundred years of the rules. What defence organization and administration they created in India during the above period?
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About the author

Raj Kumar

Raj Kumar, has worked as reader in physics for the last 10 years. He has published many a research papers and has edited about 10 text books. He is associated with the various examination bodies and is a reputed author.

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Bibliographic information

Title Military System of East India Company
Author Raj Kumar
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2004
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8171698611
length viii+306p., Tables; References; Appendices; Index; 22cm.