The Cambridge Economic History of India: C. 1200-C.1750 (Volume 1)
The two volume Cambridge Economic History of India has served as the single most widely consulted and cited reference for over twenty years. This volume covers a spectrum of socio-economic views on, and reviews of c. 1200 – 1500, the pre-Mughal period. It begins at the point fro which a systematic treatment of Indian economic history becomes possible. It closes on the eve of the subjugation of the country and its economy by Britain. Twenty-seven essays in fifteen chapters by social and economic historians of national and international renown together construct an India whose “modern†constructions along broader lines and patterns are seen to emerge in the second volume to this history.
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A Shared Heritage: The Growth of Civilizations in India and Iran
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The Memoirs of Dr. Haimabati Sen: From Child Widow to Doctor
Bibliographic information
Tapan Raychaudhuri