Nuclear Chemistry
Nuclear Chemistry is a board topic which has only about 100 years old. It covers the study of the structure of atoms and the interaction of particles and energies, to the use of radioactive material as an alternative energy. He is a wonderful and interesting topic which has inspired many great physicists. Nuclear chemistry affects many aspects of our lives everyday. As we shall discover in this book, radioisotopes are everywhere! They are in the air we breath the water we drink, the soil we till, and the building materials we use for our homes. They are also found in the foods we eat to nourish the cells of our bodies: therefore, we all contains radioisotopes. The present book elaborately discusses all basic aspects of nuclear chemistry. It has been designed to encourage innovation in the teaching of nuclear chemistry by providing flexible materials that allow instructors to build a custom curriculum appropriate for their students. Teachers and students of different areas of general science will find this work highly informative and useful.
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