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The Systems of Indian Philosophy (In 2 Volumes)

Subodh Kapoor (Editor)
Synopsis Traditionally, six schools of thought propagated Vedic wisdom, each from a different philosophical perspective. Each of these perspectives or darshanas is associated with a famous sage who is the author of a sutra (code) expressing the essence of his darshana. The sad-darshana (six philosophical views) are nyaya (logic), vaisesika (atomic theory), sankhya (analysis of matter and spirit), yoga (the disciplinie of self-realization), karma-mimamsa (science of fruitive work) and Vedanta (science of God realization). The sad-darshanas are termed astika philosophies (from asti, or “it is so”), because they all acknowledge the Veda as authoritative. Beginning with nyaya, each of the saddarshanas in their own turn presents a more developed and comprehensive explanation of the aspects of Vedic knowledge. Nyaya sets up the rules of philosophical debate and identifies the basic subjects under discussion: the physical world, the soul, God and liberation. Vaisesika engages the method of nyaya or logic in a deeper analysis of the predicament of material existence by showing that the visible material forms to which we are all so attached ultimately break down into invisible atoms. Sankhya develops this analytical process further to help the soul become aloof to matter. Through yoga, the soul awakens its innate spiritual vision to see itself beyond the body. Karma-mimamsa directs the soul to the goals of Vedic ritualism. Vedanta focuses on the supreme spiritual goal taught in the Upanisads.
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About the author

Subodh Kapoor

Subodh Kapoor is known for the pioneering work he has published, titles The Hindus, Encyclopaedia of Hinduism, in five grand volumes providing, for the first time, an introductory work of enormous range and scope on Hinduism. His second work was an equally enterprising effort when he published The Buddhists, Encyclopaedia of Buddhism, in five large Volumes. But readers are enthusiastically awaiting his magnum opus, the Encyclopaedia of Indian Heritage, in 90 Volumes which has classified in 40 grand division covering the 4000 years of the glorious Indian heritage in a manner never attempted before. The work is a complete record of the Spiritual, Cultural, Social and Philosophical development of India. He has also compiled the most extensive and elaborate Dictionary of Hinduism. His Companion Encyclopaedia of Hindu Philosophy has also been published recently.

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Bibliographic information

Title The Systems of Indian Philosophy (In 2 Volumes)
Author Subodh Kapoor
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2004
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Cosmo Publications
Language: English
isbn 8177558870
length xviii+342p., xvi+343-692p., 23cm.