India's Foreign Policy Challenge of Terrorism
India’s former foreign Secretary and former Member of the National Security Advisory Board Committee of government of India presents a book on India’s Foreign Policy of contemporaneous relevance focusing momentous events in which India has been responding to the challenge of International Terrorism and religious extremisms. The author continues to observe and analyse momentous events in international politics and regional developments since the summer of the year 2001. The contents of the book have an even more contemporaneous relevance and flavour, compared to the previous collection, mentioned above. The author has dealt with the consequences of the terrorist attacks in the USA and on the Indian Parliament. He has analysed the fast changing undercurrents in Indo-Pakistan relations and the changing characteristics of India’s relations with the major powers of the world. He has also focused on developments in Afghanistan as well as in the other neighbouring countries of India. Former Foreign Secretary J.N. Dixit is offering to the public a rich and varied analysis of the world around India and the manner in which India is coping with this world.
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