This book is a dedicated academic attempt to present research articles on various aspects of algal biotechnology covering taxonomy, cytology, morphology, pharmaceutical, hydrobiological studies, etc. eminent researchers in this field have contributed specially written articles to make this bok as comprehensive as possible. The book as comprehensive as possible. This 14 chapters include Potential of Microalgae Spirulina, Nutritive Tissues in the Rhodophyceae, Spirulina: Food and Pharmaceutical Value; Contribution to the Knowledge of Desmids, Biodiversity of Benthic Marine Algae along the Indian coast, Studies on Antibiotic Resistant Strains of Blue-Green Algae, Growth and Nitrogen Fixation by Unicellular and Colonial Cyanobacteria of Rice fields, An Insight into Azolla-Anabaena Symbiosis, Industrially Important Enzymes from Cyanobacteria, commentary on Nuclear Cytology of Algae, Cytoplasmic Streaming Velocity of Nitella as a New Aquatic Pollution Bioassay Technique, Water Quality of Tapi River with Reference to Phytoplankton, Hydrobiological Studies of Permanent Pond and Retrospective Study on Zygnemataceae. This book will be highly beneficial to students, teachers and research workers in the field of Botany in genral and Phycology in particular.
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