Problems and Social Adjustmentin Old Age: A Sociological Analysis
The pioneering study makes an effort to investigate and find out the situational and behavioural correlates of good adjustment in old age. Along with it, the applicability and desirability of two opposite theories of successful aging, i.e., “activity†and “disengagementâ€, established by western gerontologists have also been tested among the retired government employees living in Chandigarh and Jabalpur. In order to find out the possibility of adopting the developmental approach in understanding the successful aging, some effort has been made to find out the linjks between the type of characteristics and the nature of activities of well adjusted aged people, adopting either of the two opposite life styles or choosing a mid-way for successful aging. Lastly on the basis of conclusions some suggestions have been given for making the policy and programmes for the welfare of the aged.
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