From Population Control to Reproductive Health
The Indian family planning programme, one of the largest public health initiatives in the world, has adopted various strategies since its inception …none, however, have yielded the desired results. What are the reasons for this? Why do large sections of the elite blame the population ‘explosion’ for all the social and economic problems that India faces? Answering these questions, the book critically evaluates the family planning programme in India, exposing its biases and skewed priorities. It argues that neo-Malthusian ideology has profoundly influence not only demographers, but also policy planners, the medical profession, and, indeed, the middle class and the elite as a whole Strongly critical of the impact of neo-liberal economic policies on the already ailing public health care system in India. Mohan Rao argues that the recent emphasis on health and reproductive rights adopted by the Indian government has done little to improve the health of women. Overall, the boom contextualises the debates concerning population and development in a broader socio-historical and political framework, highlighting new empirical findings and policy implications. Well-researched and refreshingly original, this book is singularly relevant today with ICPD marking its tenth anniversary. It will be of interest to scholars of public health, social demography, population studies, women’s studies and policy studies. IT will also be essential reading for students in the health professions, policymakers, health groups, women’s groups, and journalists writing on these issues.
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