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The Rupa Laughter Omnibus

Ruskin Bond (Editor)
Synopsis 'Laugh and be well!' exclaimed the great Dr. Johnson, and he never spoke truer words. For laughter is certainly good medicine, guaranteed to drive away the blues and improve your general well-being. Ruskin Bond declares that he had great fun putting together this anthology of hilarious stories, humorous articles, and comic verse. The reader will share his enjoyment. You will smile, chuckle, or laugh out loud, whether it's at an account of a crazy cricket match, or a cheese that smells to high heaven, or a goat that goes berserk in a post drawing-room.
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About the author

Ruskin Bond

Ruskin Bond, resident of Mussoorie, is a well-known writer of fiction and a reconteur par excellence. His Tales and Legends from India, Angry River, Strange Men, Strange Places, The Blue Umbrella, A Long Walk for Bina and Hanuman to the Rescue are also available in Rupa paperback. Ruskin Bond's Children's Omnibus has been a firm favourite with young readers for several years. Ghost Stories fro the Raj, The Rupa Book of Great Animal Stories, The Rupa Book of the True Tales of Mystery and Adventure, The Rupa Book of Ruskiin Bond's Himalayan Tales, The Rupa Book of Great Suspense Stories, The Rupa Laughter Omnibus, The Rupa Book of Scary Stories and The Rupa Book of Haunted Houses are eight of his recent anthologies for Rupa.

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Bibliographic information

Title The Rupa Laughter Omnibus
Author Ruskin Bond
Format Softcover
Date published: 01.01.2004
Edition 2nd ed.
Publisher Rupa & Co.
Language: English
isbn 8129106086
length xii+180p., 21cm.