Personality Assessment: A Fresh Psychological Look
The book Personality Assessment: A Fresh Psychological Look is a comprehensive work in which Prof. Qamar Hasan has attempted to present all aspects of personality assessment in a clear and understandable manner. The author’s vast experience of research and teaching in the field is clearly reflected in the book. In addition to chapters on different approaches to the assessment of personality, the book contains two important chapters, one on the problems of cross cultural assessment and equivalence of measures developed and adapted in different countries and another on utilization of personality data. The chapters discuss in detail the technical aspects of using personality assessment for clinical diagnosis and personnel selection. The chapter on response distortion deals with the attempts at faking, response sets, response style and methods to counteract the irrelevant sources of variance in personality measures. Thus, the book will be of immense value for those interested to know more about the methodology of assessment and the practical problems faced during personality assessment.
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