Plight of the Monorities: Problems and Grievances in Their Education
The minority question continues to be debated long since but the problem of minority goes unabated. The precise answer lies in the inadequacy of systematic and scientific study about the problem they have been facing. The problems and grievances of the minority managed educational institutions have been systematically and scientifically researched and documented in this study. In the background of a global scenario this book presents a wide coverage of several states and union territories in India. The condition of education among the Buddhists and the Muslims is deplorable. The Christians, the Parsis, the Sikhs are much better as compared to the Buddhists and the Muslims. The state of professional, technical, vocational education, and education among women, particularly among the Muslims, is disheartening. This book makes an attempt to depict a picture of the plight of the minorities by pin-pointing the problems and grievances of the minority educational institutions from a comparative perspective from five designated minority communities, viz., the Buddhists, the Christians, the Muslims, the Parsis, and the Sikhs. Well studied recommendations and suggestions incorporated in the book, if carried forward to the point of policy review and implementation, the problem of the minority in the existing situations may be remedied, ultimately leading to progressive educational development among them, especially, the Buddhists and the Muslims in India.
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